City Council and Committees

Richmond’s City Council meets on the second and fourth Monday in the months of January, February, March, April, May, June, and September. In the months of October, November, and December, Council meets the second Monday of the month, and Council meets on the fourth Monday of the month in July. City Council does not convene in August. These regular formal meetings take place at 6:00pm in City Council Chambers, located on the second floor of City Hall. Informal sessions take place at 4:00pm in City Council Chambers.
Agendas for City Council meetings are prepared and released at least 5 days prior to regular meeting, and all past City Council and City Council Committee agendas can be accessed here.
There is time set aside each City Council meeting for Citizen Comment. This allows citizens to address the Council on any item which is not on the agenda for that meeting and is an opportunity for citizens to present comments and information to the Council. Citizen Comment lasts no longer than 30 minutes each meeting, with each citizen asked to keep remarks shorter than 3 minutes. Every citizen wishing to present a matter to the Council must make a request to the City Clerk no later than 12:00 noon on the date of the meeting at which the citizen wishes to speak for an allotment of time. The City Clerk’s office (804) 646-7955.
More information regarding the City Council’s Rules of Procedure can be accessed here. The Office of the City Clerk can also be accessed here.
In addition to serving directly on City Council, Councilman Addison also sits on four Council committees: Governmental Operations, Public Safety, Organizational Development, and Education and Human Services. Committee meetings are open to the public, and a calendar of all committee meetings dates, times, and locations can be accessed here.